April 2018 Meeting Minutes

The Kansas City Support Group met on Saturday, April 14, 2018 in room 125 BEST Conference Center, University of Kansas Edwards Campus.  Present were Bill Fenton, Marilyn Fenton, John Rizzo, Karen Rizzo, Linda Gibson, Jim Gibson, Sondra Schmidt, Ben Wilson, Allison Lint, Arlene Kullman, Joyce Kullman, Denny Hale, and Ruth Hale.
Katie Strahan, Program Director at Turning Point, gave a presentation about services and programs available to patients and families living with chronic illnesses.  She distributed calendars from the organization.  Katie concluded by answering questions from the audience.
Ruth Hale read a tribute to Glenn Kullman who had passed away in January.  Arlene Kullman was also recognized for her volunteer work with the Vasculitis Foundation and KC VF chapter.
Joyce Kullman, executive director of the Vasculitis Foundation, announced that the KU VF Patient & Family Conference would be held on Saturday, August 4th, 2018 at the University of Kansas Edwards Campus.  Speakers and topics are being lined up and registration will be opening soon.  Check on the VF website for details.
Attendees were asked to introduce themselves and provide a brief update on their vasculitis status.

The next KC VF Support Group meeting will be held on Saturday, September 8, 2018.